
Benevento 18/22 settembre 2012

107° Congresso SBI Onlus

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Local Organizing Committee

Scientific Organizing Committee


Abstract and Poster


The summary must be completed according to the procedures listed below and included in the database, through the restricted area to which you get from address http://www.societabotanicaitaliana/congresso and which can be accessed only after you have signed, within and no later than May 31, 2012, via the link in the pages devoted to the Congress.

N.B. Each member is entitled to ONE POSTER presentation. It is not permitted the inclusion of summaries of which has not been one of the authors.

The Congress Scientific Committee reserves the right to require authors to the transformation of communica-tions in posters or poster communications.

Posters will be divided into sessions representing the themes of the Congress (see table). A sign identifies the session and then all the posters, containing scientific arguments correlated to the same theme, do-units must be made identifiable.

The posters should have a maximum size of 100 cm high x 70 cm wide.

The summary must be completed on a single sheet of A4 paper (multi-page summaries will be used in an in-complete discarding the excess pages).
The writing should leave an empty space on the four sides of 2 cm.
The spacing is single and, after punctuation, white space will be used.
The font should be Times writing (character 11).
In special cases can be used underlining or italics.
There should be no spaces between paragraphs, except that between the title and name / address or between names/andress and text or between text and list of references.
The references will be cited in the text and listed at the foot of the text with font size 10.
The title (all caps) must be preceded by the initials of the posters, made as listed below.
The names of authors are written in capital letters, font 11, and its address will be written in font 10.
Any figures can be included, sacrificing some of the space the text and bring back a character that will legend font 10.

Referrals for the organization of abstracts and posters:
Prof. Carmine Guarino ( (cell.3452628342-0824305156)
Prof. Rosaria Sciarrillo ( (cell.3452628430-0824305156)
Dr. Barbara Conte ( (cell.3478329589-0824305162)

The summaries will be published online at the Italian Botanical Society and provided to delegates in electronic format on a pen-drive.

Authors are required to complete and send the release in pdf to contacts, e-mail, to allow the disclosure of the material.


A1 = Algology
B1 = Cell Biology and Molecular
B2 = Biorhythms and Phenology
B3 = Plant Biosystematics
B4 = Biotechnology and Differentiation
B5 = Tropical Botany
B6 = Applied Botany
B7 = Bryology
C1 = Conservation of Nature
D1 = Teaching
E1 = Ecology
F1 = Floristics
L1 = Lichenology
M1 = Mycology
O1 = Botanical Gardens
P1 = Paleobotany
P2 = Palynology
P3 = Medicinal Plants
V1 = Vegetation

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