
8 - 10 Settembre 2021

116° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana

VII International Plant Science Conference (IPSC)


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Local Organizing Committee

Scientific Organizing Committee


Video Upload

All participants who have submitted an abstract must also submit a video contribution on the same contents.

This contribution, in “.mp4” format and maximum size of 50 MB, must have a horizontal orientation and a maximum duration of 4 minutes.

The videos must be in English.

Contributions may take the form of live video, slide show with audio commentary, or any other form, compatible with the conveyance of the abstract content.
It is recommended not to use copyrighted material (video or audio).

Each contribution must be identified with the symposium number and the surname of the first author eg. 1_Martellos.mp4 (see page Topics).

Contributions must be sent to the e-mail address - through the WeTransfer platform ( for the large file transfer. The platform does not require registration to send files.

The deadline for sending the video is 15 July 2021.

The contact person for the organization of the videos is the Secretariat of the S.B.I. (

Authors are required to fill in and send a release form (if not previously sent with the abstract), by e-mail to, to allow the dissemination of the material.
Download the model release

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